I painted my magnolia floor tiles in my en-suite last summer. I didn’t have the money to splash out on a new en-suite so I decided to give it a make over on a budget.
Painted/Stencilled Floor tiles<
I painted & Stencilled my ensuite floor tiles. They were magnolia before I gave them this cool makeover. I was nervous how they would turn out but when they were finished I was absolutely delighted with the finished result.<
Don’t be afraid to do this DIY it is hard work but so worth it. I will show you how I did mine here.
Before I painted my floor tiles. My magnolia en-suite floor.<
Start you stencil in behind the toilet and work your way out.
I have lived in this house 13 years and I have done a lot of DIY’S myself. My en-suite floor was looking very worn and bland. I had saved to redesign my main bathroom and unfortunately my budget didn’t stretch far enough to redesign my en-suite. So, I decided to do it myself.
Stencil floorFirst coat of white chalk paint
Things you will need:
White Chalk Paint
Black Chalk Paint
Angle Brush
Baby Wipes
Water base clear varnish
Small paint roller or paint brush
You can also use a mini roller instead of a brush. I washed and used the same brush. I wiped my stencil with a baby wipe after every use.>
Start by washing & vacuum your floors and let them dry.
Roll or paint on one coat of white chalk paint. Let it dry. Then apply a second coat of white chalk paint.
I used black chalk paint for my stencil. I got my stencil from Royal Stencils it is called the TOLEDO tile stencil. I started my stencil way in behind the toilet bowl and worked my way towards the door. After each use of the stencil wipe it with a baby wipe. Use only a small about of amount of paint onto the stencil and dab you brush with kitchen towel to remove access paint. This part of painting you floor tiles is the hardest and most tedious. Take your time and do it right. It’s ok if you make mistakes you can wipe away any errors with a baby wipe. I used a small paint brush to fix up any imperfections.
My completed painted floor tiles
The most important part is sealing your newly painted floor. I made the mistake of using an oil based polyurethane varnish which went yellow over time. I would recommend using a water base clear varnish. I put three coats of varnish on my tiles. Make sure the room is well ventilated as the varnish can be very strong smelling.
It has been a year since I painted he tiles and they have stood the test of time. I have vacuumed and washed them. I love them so much. I also wallpapered my walls and painted the woodwork peachy pink. I love my new en-suite and I didn’t spend a fortune on it.
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