Seventeen years ago I set up an online shop called Tinythings. Selling personalised handmade artwork for children, your home & special occasions. I resigned from my job as a dental nurse to work from home. After many years I have decided to rebrand and change my website to

A website dedicated to inspire creativity in others. I am passionate about creativity, interiors & style. I feel very lucky I earn a living from my creativity. I believe anyone can be creative. It is necessary for our wellbeing and takes our minds off the fast pace of life we are living. Also, for our children creativity is a way to work through emotions, make decisions and express ideas..

I live in Swords Co. Dublin with my husband, two daughters and my Shih tzu Rocky. As a child, I grew up in a home full of creativity and wonder. We wore handmade dresses and knitted socks.

I also regularly work and collaborate with brands to produce content for social media platforms.